Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Delivering a new life to your life!
Maternity wards provide antenatal care, care during childbirth and postnatal support. Antenatal clinics provide monitoring for both routine and complicated pregnancies. High-dependency units can offer one-to-one care for women who need close monitoring when there are complications during pregnancy or childbirth.
These units provide maternity services such as:
- A specialist ward
- Day surgery unit
- Emergency gynaecology assessment unit
- Outpatient clinics.
Apart from these units, they also have:
- Antenatal and postnatal care
- Prenatal diagnosis unit
- Maternal and foetal surveillance.
Overseen by consultant obstetricians and gynaecologists, there is a wide range of attached staff linked to them, including specialist nurses, midwives and imaging technicians.
Care includes:
This department also investigates and treats problems of the female urinary tract and reproductive organs, such as endometritis, infertility and incontinence.
They also provide a range of care for cervical smear screening and postmenopausal bleeding checks.